Tender Translation Services

Tender Translation Services 

For over 30 years we have been preparing tenders and bid translations for clients in every corner of the world.

Our technical translation procedures are designed to give you the best chance of winning the bid – both in terms of technical content and localised style for the specific market.

Translation of ITT

Initially we can translate the ITT (Invitation To Tender), with a rapid turnaround if need be.

This allows the client to:

a) Decide if they are in a position to proceed with the bid

b) Prepare a checklist of tasks to carry out the bid

We can also translate questions to the body issuing the tender and relay answers to the bidder.

Preparing Bid Documents

Once the client has started to assemble their responses, the translation of the bid responses can be started.

Aktuel’s bid and tender translation procedures mean that we spend as much time ensuring that the style of the text and the cultural thrust is right as we do ensuring we have the right technical translators on board to convey your expertise clearly, concisely and with as much weight as possible.


All translated text is proofread at least twice (by a proof-reader and by the project manager).

We will also let you know if we think anything has been missed from the original ITT requirements and advise if the style, tone or structure could be improved.

Precis Services

There are times when it is unclear whether a specific bid procedure is right for a client. In these instances, a full ITT translation is costly and sometimes not necessary.

We provide a precis service at a fraction of the cost, which will extract pertinent information regarding the technicalities of the bid, timings and anything else the client feels is of importance before commencing the time-consuming and often costly process of tendering.

Do you have any questions regarding our tender and bid translation services?

… to discuss your options in more detail.